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English Breakfast Hemp Blend

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Our popular English Breakfast tea has been blended with Industrial Hemp leaf, high in CBD.

CBD has recently become the buzz word. Its popularity has been put down to many suggested benefits, including helping with Anxiety, Pain Relief and Sleep disorders.

Each 100g pack of tea contains 35mg of CBD and provides a great opportunity to incorporate CBD into your lifestyle.


TYPE: Black Tea





Health Benefits

Each and every one of us has an Endocannabinoid System, or ECS. The ECS is responsible for two basic activities, setting our mood, energy and well-being as well as helping the body return to health after injury or disease.

The ECS is comprised of endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors and enzymes and these all play a vital role in promoting equilibrium and maintaining general health and wellbeing.

Our body naturally makes endocannabinoids - microscopic fatty substances or oils - in order to pass messages concerning functions such as memory, appetite and mood. These endocannabinoids then interact with, or bind to, cannabinoid receptors, of which there are two types - CB1 and CB2 - found in the central nervous system and the immune and gastrointestinal systems respectively.

Another way to understand this interaction is by using a lock and key analogy. The cannabinoid receptor is the lock - securing access to important bodily systems - and the endocannabinoids are the keys.

By enhancing our ECS with CBD we can increase the efficiency of it's actions.

Medicinal Cannabis has been used for centuries but we are only now beginning to see the results through independent scientific studies.

The University of Oxford, satisfied there are no negative effects, are investing £10 million to explore the health benefits, particularly when it comes to more serious conditions, such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's, cancer, psychosis, Parkinson's disease, and numerous other health issues.


To get the maximum effect from your CBD tea we recommend mixing your tea with a little fat before adding the water, this can be anything from Milk, Coconut milk, or even a small amount of butter.

This will extract the CBD from the leaf making it highly bioavailable.

Use 2-3g of tea per cup and infuse for 4 minutes.